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You have to deal with so many things in life: payments, provisions, taxes, insurances and at some point also your estate. But actually you don't have to - you can leave these tasks to us with confidence.

Mail processing

Is your mail piling up at home? Then let us scan it for you and then view it online. 

Pension planning

There are various options to ensure that you are covered in old age. We advise you and create a plan that is tailored to you.

Tax declaration

Every year again! For some, the tax return is a tiresome topic. If this is also the case for you, then leave it to us. We'll take care of it, check the tax assessment and bills, and keep an eye on all the deadlines.

Recording of payments

Only have to release payments? That's possible! We record your invoices for you and prepare everything so that you only have to confirm the transfer. 

Insurance management

Which insurances do I really need, which ones should I still take out and where is there potential for optimisation? Our specialists will provide you with answers to your questions.

Health Care Proxy & Living Will

There may come a time when you can no longer make decisions on your own. Together we will clarify all the details so that you are prepared for the worst and can relieve your loved ones of important decisions. 

Will & Execution of Wills

It is not an easy topic, but you should deal with your own death at an early stage. We help you draw up a will and, as your executor, we also ensure that your wishes are carried out in your best interests.

Document safe

Where do you store important documents so that they are safe but quickly at hand? In our document safe, of course.

We are happy to advise you individually."
What topics are you interested in?

Questions? Just give us a call.

Claudio is happy to be there for you. 

+41 44 306 52 00

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